Storage Modelling Overview

One of the objectives was the development of a storage modelling tool. This tool was developed to further the understanding of how different storage technologies can be implemented into industrial sites. It looks at how, on an hourly basis over a year, the on-site generation and demand profiles fit with different storage devices. This allows for an analysis of these devices with respect to the goal of improving the overall site autonomy. The tool produces various factors such as technical parameters describing autonomy, import/export analysis and on-site C02 emissions reductions.

Modelling provides a technical means for quantifying such analysis. Distributed generation systems can be complex due to the different generation sources which work in tandem to provide at least some of the supply required to meet demand. Even a simplified model of such a system can provide a useful overview of demand/supply matching.

It is when investigating the mechanics of how storage can be implemented into such a system that modelling becomes vital due to the many facets which need to be considered. Having a modelling tool which provides a quantitative analysis allows for a deeper understanding of the comparisons between the plentiful storage technologies which are available.

There are currently such modelling tools available, particularly HOMER, which are capable of such analysis. Developing a similar tool for this group project was a valuable way of improving understanding of the topic.

The choice of time step proved to be an important factor in the accuracy of the model. The accuracy needed for this introductory model was met by using hourly data over a year. The smaller the timescale is, the more accurate the model.

Our storage modelling tool was developed around an Excel spreadsheet and involved writing visual basic macros. Excel was chosen because it can be easily used by external users, meaning the tool is easily accessible and customisable. The power of visual basic is in its ability to produce automatized spreadsheets. Once the various data inputs have been inserted, analysis can then be performed at the click of a button.

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