Expanding Opportunities

How we carried out the Project

On completion of identifying and agreeing the project objectives the team developed a methodology to deliver these objectives.

First we started with data collection, obtaining relevant and necessary information from our industrial partners. A supply/demand analysis was then conducted from which we were able to identify certain ways to evaluate how each of the cases would compare to the next.

This was done by comparing the introduction of additional on site generation against the following elements:

  • grid interaction,
  • % autonomy,
  • % match rate,
  • environmental impacts,
  • financial impacts

To evaluate each case, matrices were constructed and from the results obtained from these evaluation matrices, a final assessment matrix was constructed. Once obtaining our assessment matrix, we were able to move on to investigating the benefits of having any additional technology with the generation mix we have. Here we investigated possible storage solutions to fit the supply/demand profile, investigating compressed air storage and liquid air energy storage. Also methods of maintaining power quality were investigated.

With all of the information we now have in hand, we were able to come up with our group conclusions and recommendations