Case Study

ESRU Energy Systems Research Unit

University of Strathclyde



    General    Tidal Resource     Technology    Policy,Planning & Environmental Impact     Economics

The bibliography is grouped into intuitive sections in order that the interested party may easily establish pertinent literature.



  1. British Wind Energy Association: Marine Renewable Energy. [Webpage] [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  2. Scottish Enterprise Marine Energy Group: Harnessing Scotland's Marine Energy Potential. [Webpage] 2004 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
  3. AKWENSIVIE, F., et al., University of Strathclyde: Marine Current Energy Baseload Supply Strategy for Scotland. [Webpage] 2004 [cited 02 May 2006]; Energy Systems & The Environment MSc Group Project; Available from
  4. MARSH, G., Energy From The Sea. Refocus, 2005. 6(6): p. 30-32.

Tidal Resource


  1. British Oceanographic Data Centre. [Webpage] [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
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  3. World Energy Council: Survey of Energy Resources: Wave Energy. [Webpage] [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
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  5. Keith's Home Page: Moon Tides: How the Moon Affects Ocean Tides... [Webpage] [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from

  6. Black & Veatch Ltd., The Carbon Trust: Phase 1 & 2 Uk Tidal Stream Energy Resource Assessment. [Webpage] 2005 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  7. Black & Veatch Ltd., The Carbon Trust:Tidal Stream Energy Resource and Technology Summary Report, 2005
  8. Environmental Change Institute, The Carbon Trust: Variability of UK Marine Resources, An assessment of the variability characteristics of the UK's wave and tidal current power characteristics and their implications for large scale development scenarios, 2005
  9. EC Joule II, The Exploitation of tidal and Marine Currents, Commission of European Communities, 1996 [EUR 16683 EN, JOU2-CT93-0355]
  10. ANDROSOV, A.A., et al., Numerical Modelling of Barotropic Tidal Dynamics in the Strait of Messina. Advances in Water Resources, 2002. 25(4): p. 401-415.
  11. ARCEMENT, G. and SCHNEIDER, V., USGS Water-supply Paper 2339: Guide for Selecting Manning?s Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains, 1989 United States Geological Survey
  12. DTI, Tidal Stream Energy Review, Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU), [T/05/00155/REP] Binnie and partners, Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons Ltd and IT Power Ltd, 1993
  13. BLUNDEN, L.S. and BAHAJ, A.S., Initial Evaluation of Tidal Stream Energy Resources at Portland Bill, Uk. Renewable Energy, 2006. 31(2): p. 121-132.
  14. BOWDITCH, N., The American Practical Navigator Chapter 9: Tides and Tidal Currents, and Nautical Charts. [cited 02 May 2006]; IRBS Available from
  15. CALLAGHAN, J. and BOUD, R., The Carbon Trust: Future Marine Energy - Results of the Marine Energy Challenge: Cost Competitiveness and Growth of Wave and Tidal Stream Energy. [PDF] 2006 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  16. CALVERT, J., Open Channel Flow. 2003 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  17. CENGEL, Y. and BOLES, M., Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. Mcgraw Hill Higher Education. 1989, New York, London: McGraw Hill. pp. 867. ISBN 0071250840.
  18. CHARBENEAU, R., et al., US Dept. of Transportation: Backwater Effects of Piers in Subcritical Flow. [PDF] 2001 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  19. CHOW, V.T., Open-Channel Hydraulics. Mcgraw-Hill Civil Engineering Series. 1959, New York, London: McGraw-Hill Education. pp. 692. ISBN 007085906X.
  20. CHRISTIANSENA, M. and HASAGERA, C., Risİ National Laboratory, ISPRS: Wake Studies around a Large Offshore Wind Farm Using Satellite and Airborne Sar. [PDF] 2005 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
  21. COLEMAN, R. et al., NACA ARR No. L5E10: Evaluation of the Induced-Velocity Field of an Idealized Helicopter Rotor. 1945 NASA Langley
  22. COPELAND, G., Seminar on Turbulence Modelling. 2006, Univerisity of Strathclyde.
  23. COUCH, S. and BRYDEN, I.G., Supergen Marine Marec Paper: The Impact of Energy Extraction on Tidal Flow Development. [PDF] 2004 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
  24. DAVIES, P., Warwick Univeristy ES427: The Natural Environment and Engineering: Global Warming and Renewable Energy Lecture 4: Wind Energy. [PDF] 2002 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
  25. GARRETT, C. Frictional Processes in Straits. 2004. Villerfranche-sue-Mer, France: Elsevier.
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  27. GROSS, T.F., Momentum and Energy Transfer in the Oceanic Law of the Wall Region. Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology, 1999. 16(Nov): p. 1668-1672.
  28. GARRAD HASSAN & PARTNERS, Scottish Executive: Scottish Renewable Resource 2001 - Volume 1 - Analysis. [PDF] 2003 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from

  29. GARRAD HASSAN & PARTNERS, Scottish Executive: Scottish Renewable Resource 2001 - Volume 2 - Context. [PDF] 2003 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
  30. GARRAD HASSAN & PARTNERS, et al., DTI: UK Atlas of Offshore Renewable Energy. 2004 [cited 02 May 2006]; Government renewable energy policy; Available from
  31. LERMUSIAUX, P.F.J. and ROBINSON, A.R., Features of Dominant Mesoscale Variability, Circulation Patterns and Dynamics in the Strait of Sicily. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2001. 48(9): p. 1953-1997.
  32. LU, Y., et al., Turbulence Characteristics in a Tidal Channel. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2000. 30(5): p. 855-67.
  33. MOE, H., et al, A High Resolution Tidal Model For The Area Around The Lofoten Islands, Northern Norway, Continental Shelf Research, 2002. 22: p. 485–504
  34. MUNSEN, B., et al., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. 3 ed. 1998, New York: John Wiliey & Sons. pp. 877. ISBN
  35. MYERS, L. and BAHAJ, A.S., Simulated Electrical Power Potential Harnessed by Marine Current Turbine Arrays in the Alderney Race. Renewable Energy, 2005. 30(11): p. 1713-1731.
  36. NEZU, I. and NAKAGAWA, H., Turbulence in Open-Channel Flows. Iahr Monograph Series. 1993, Rotterdam: Balkema. ISBN 9054101180.
  37. ROMANENKOV, D.A., et al., Comparison of Forms of the Viscous Shallow-Water Equations in the Boundary-Fitted Coordinates. Ocean Modelling, 2001. 3(3-4): p. 193-216.
  38. VENNELL, R., Observations of the Phase of Tidal Currents Along a Strait. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 1998. 28(8): p. 1570-1577.
  39. VENNELL, R., Oscillating Barotropic Currents Along Short Channels. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 1998. 28(8): p. 1561-9.
  40. WARNER, J., et al., Effects of Tidal Current Phase at the Junction of Two Straits. Continental Shelf Research, 2002. 22(11-13): p. 1629-1642.
  41. WHITE, F.M., Viscous Fluid Flow. 2 ed. Mcgraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering. 1991, New York, London: McGraw-Hill. 614. ISBN 0070697124.
  42. WINTERS, K.B. and SEIM, H.E., The Role of Dissipation and Mixing in Exchange Flow through a Contracting Channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2000. 407: p. 265-90.
  43. YOUYO, L., et al., Turbulence Characteristics in a Tidal Channel. Journal of Phsical Oceanography, 2002. 30(May): p. 855-867.



  1. Danish Wind Industry Association: Wind Turbines: Horizontal or Vertical Axis Machines? [Webpage] [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  2. Seacore Ltd. [Webpage] [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  3. European Commisson, SEAFLOW, World’s first pilot project for the exploitation of marine currents at a commercial scale, [JOR3-CT98-0202], Partners: IT Power, Seacore, Gesamthochschule Kassel, Jahnel-Kesterman, 2005, Available from:
  4. BAHAJ, A.S., et al., Power and Thrust Measurements of Marine Current Turbines under Various Hydrodynamic Flow Conditions in a Cavitation Tunnel and a Towing Tank. Renewable Energy. In Press, Corrected Proof.
  5. BAHAJ, A.S. and MYERS, L., Analytical Estimates of the Energy Yield Potential from the Alderney Race (Channel Islands) Using Marine Current Energy Converters. Renewable Energy, 2004. 29(12): p. 1931-1945.
  6. BAHAJ, A.S. and MYERS, L.E., Fundamentals Applicable to the Utilisation of Marine Current Turbines for Energy Production. Renewable Energy, 2003. 28(14): p. 2205-2211
  7. BATTEN, W.M.J., et al., Hydrodynamics of Marine Current Turbines. Renewable Energy, 2006. 31(2): p. 249-256.
  8. BERMUDEZ, L., et al., Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Aerodynamics Effects in Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines. Solar Energy, 2000. 68(1): p. 9-21.
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  12. CAMPOREALE, S.M. and MAGI, V., Streamtube Model for Analysis of Vertical Axis Variable Pitch Turbine for Marine Currents Energy Conversion. Energy Conversion and Management, 2000. 41(16): p. 1811-27.
  13. CHANEY, K. and EGGERS, A.J., Expanding Wake Induction Effects on Thrust Distribution on a Rotor Disc Wind Energy, 2001(5): p. 213-226.
  14. DTI, The Engineering Business: Research and Development of a 150kw Tidal Stream Generator - Phase 1 [ETSU T/06/00211/00/REP; URN No 02/1400]. [PDF] 2002 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  15. DTI, The Engineering Business: Research and Development of a 150kw Tidal Stream Generator - Phase 2 [ETSU T/06/00211/00/REP; URN No 02/1400]. [PDF] 2003 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  16. DTI, The Engineering Business: Stingray Tidal Stream Energy Device Phase 3 [ETSU T/06/00230/00/00; URN No 05/864]. [PDF] 2005 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  17. DTI, Development, Installation and Testing of a Large Scale Tidal Current Turbine [T/06/00210/00/REP; URN 05/1698 ]. [PDF] 2005 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  18. EDWARDS, P., Bournemouth University: Exponentially Changing Sinusoids Using Y = a + Bektsinwt. [PDF] 2000 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
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  22. KIHO, S. and SHIONO, M., Electric Power Generations from Tidal Currents by Darrieus Turbine at Kurushima Straits. Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Part D, 1992. 112-D(6): p. 530-8.
  23. KIHO, S., et al., Power Generation from Tidal Currents by Darrieus Turbine. Renewable Energy, 1996. 9(1-4): p. 1242-1245.
  24. KIHO, S., et al. Study on the Power Generation from Tidal Currents by Darrieus Turbine. 1996. Los Angeles, CA, USA: Int Soc of Offshore and Polar Engineerns (ISOPE), Golden, CO, USA.
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  27. LOFTIN, L.K. and BURSNALL, W.J., NACA TN-1773: Effects of Variations in Reynolds Number between 3.0x106 and 25.0x106 Upon the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Number of Naca 6-Series Airfoil Sections, 1948 NASA Langley
  28. MAGNUSSON, M. and SMEDMAN, A.S., Air Flow Behind Wind Turbines. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1999. 80: p. 169-189.
  29. MOLLAND, A.F., et al., Measurements and Predictions of Forces, Pressures and Cavitation on 2-D Sections Suitable for Marine Current Turbines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2004. 218(2): p. 127-138.
  30. MYERS, L. and BAHAJ, A.S., Power Output Performance Characteristics of a Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbine. Renewable Energy, 2006. 31(2): p. 197-208.
  31. PARASCHIVOIU, I. IREQ's Aerodynamic Model Based on Two Actuator-Disks Theory for Darrieus Wind Turbines. 1986. Montreal, Que, Can: Pergamon Press, New York, NY, USA.
  32. PARASCHIVOIU, I., et al. Some Refinements to Aerodynamic-Performance Prediction for Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines. 1986. San Diego, CA, USA: American Chem. Soc.
  33. SHIONO, M., et al., Experimental Study of the Characteristics of a Darrieus Turbine for Tidal Power Generation. Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 2000. 132(3): p. 38-47.
  34. SHIVERS, J. and CARPENTER, P., NACA TN-4356: Effects of Compressibility on Rotor Hovering Performance and Synthesized Blade-Section Characteristics Derived from Measured Rotor Performance of Blades Having Naca 0015 Airfoil Tip Sections, 1958 NASA Langley
  35. STRICKLAND, J., SAND75-0413: The Darrieus Turbine: A Performance Prediction Model Using Multiple Streamtubes, 1975 Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque
  36. THAKE, J., DTI Renewables: Development, Installation and Testing of a Large Scale Tidal Current Turbine. [PDF] 2005 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  37. THOMSEN, K. and SORENSEN, P., Fatigue Loads for Wind Turbines Operating in Wakes. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 1999. 80(1-2): p. 121-136.
  38. VERMEER, L.J., et al., Wind Turbine Wake Aerodynamics. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2003. 39(6-7): p. 467-510.
  39. WANG, T. and COTON, F.N., Prediction of the Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines Including Three-Dimensional Effects. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A (Journal of Power and Energy), 2000. 214(A5): p. 385-400.
  40. WHALE, J., et al., An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Vortex Structure in the Wake of a Wind Turbine. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2000. 84(1): p. 1-21.

Policy, Planning & Environmental Impact


  1. BBC: Warning over Tidal Energy Impact. [Webpage] [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
  2. DTI, Future Offshore – A Strategic Framework for the Offshore Wind Industry, 2002
  3. Scottish Natural Heritage, Facts and Figures 2001/2002, Designated Areas and Sites, 2002
  4. Scottish Natural Hertitage, Marine renewable energy and the natural heritage: an overview and policy statement, [Policy Statement, No. 04/01]. Available from:
  5. DTI, Planning and Consents for Marine Renewables, Guidance on consenting arrangements in England and Wales for a pre-commercial demonstration phase for wave and tidal stream energy devices marine renewables, 2005. Available from:
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  8. Scottish Enterprise: Marine Renewable (Wave and Tidal) Opportunity Review. [PDF] 2005 [cited 02 May 2006]; Available from
  9. BRYDEN, I.G., et al., Matching Tidal Current Plants to Local Flow Conditions. Energy (Oxford), 1998. 23(9): p. 699-709.
  10. DTI, The Robert Gordon University: A Scoping Study for an Environmental Impact Field Program in Tidal Current Energy [ETSU T/04/00213/REP; DTI Pub/URN 02/882]. [PDF] 2002 [cited 03 May 2006]; Available from
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  2. DTI, The commercial prospects for tidal stream power, Binnie, Black & Veatch in association with IT Power, [ETSU T/06/00209/REP] 2001

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