The pie chart on the upper left shows the Isle of Eigg's heat and electric power supply currently. Although their 90% renewable microgrid is responsible for a considerable share, this is dominated by a larger fossil fuel portion, namely for heating and hot water. The pie chart on the upper right represents the proposed solution, showing that a renewable penetration of 97% could be achieved.


With respect to the project aim, this solution demonstrates the plausibility of the de-carbonisation of heat in isolated communities, thus addressing the Thermal Energy Challenge.


A viable solution for the Isle of Eigg has been presented which, when optimised financially, comprises biomass and electrification supplying heat and hot water for a reduced demand. This totals £2,863,000 with pessimistic costing. Regardless, no project can succeed without the the good will and effort of it's users. Therefore, the idea must be accepted by the communities beforehand.


The Isle of Eigg therefore has the potential to not only maintain its green credentials, but also become exemplar for both renewable electricity and heat.

© University of Strathclyde | TEC Eigg | Sustainable Engineering 2016