Hybrid Energy Systems in Future Low Carbon Buildings
Micro wind  
Heat pumps  
Heat recovery  
Solar thermal panels  
EarthToAir heat exchange  
Passive design  
Thermal storage  
Design concept  
Hybrid concept  
Modelling tools  
Case study results  
Environmental impact  

Heat recovery systems
Air to air heat exchangers are devices designed to recover heat from exhaust to inlet ducts in order to preheat or pre cool fresh air introduced to a building. In addition these systems remove excess humidity, contaminants and other air pollutants especially when applied to tightly built new buildings. This way they maintain heating requirements in winter to a minimum, contribute to natural ventilation and in the summer period they keep the heat of warm ambient inlet air outdoors.

Systems efficiencies vary between 60-95% according to the type of heat exchanger considered. Their life span is over 15-20 years (as they have no moving parts) and warranties are provided for up to 10 years. Payback

period is considered to be roughly 3 years. Furthermore these systems reduce peak demand charges which would mean down scaling the size of a cooling-heating system installed.

Electrical consumption is mainly due to the fun which varies from 10-15W for a very low flow rate of 50 m3/h to 125W for a flow rate of 300m3/h


As mentioned in the Energy Savings Trust regarding efficient ventilation, [4] fan energy consumption should be less than 1 Wh/lt/s equivalent to 1 Wh/ 3.6 m3/hr. That means in our design's case (with a low infiltration rate of 0.3 ac/h) roughly a requirement of 30 Wh /m3/hr.

Cephus project (2001) average fan consumption values were 0.26 Wh/m3 for heat recovery ventilation [5].

Issues like automatic on-off switching of these systems are being being considered as there are no gains out of such an investment if consumers do not have a basic understanding of the systems' limitations. For example opening windows without switching off these systems results to energy wasted instead of energy saved. In case the systems are left off by negligence again there are no gains.


[1] Mechanical ventilation with heat
[2] Heat exchanger
[3] Paul-Lueftung.net
[4] Efficient ventilation
[5] Passiv.de