Hybrid Energy Systems in Future Low Carbon Buildings
Design concept  
Hybrid concept  
Modelling tools  
Case study results  
Thermal demand (ESP-r)  
Case study Glascow  
Case study Palermo  
Analytical ESP-r  
Hourly demand profiles  
Environmental impact  

Case-study 1: UK climate (Glasgow)

Simulation 1: Basic case

The heating and cooling demand obtained for the year were respectively 1519.2 kWh and -142.9 kWh.

The space heating is therefore 23.75 kWh/m2, this value is in line with standard published data relative to passive house in similar cold climates (space heating ~ 15kWh/m2).

The cooling load was small and rather normal for a building with a large glazing facing (7.5m2) and without shading.

Apart from the above, energy consumed by the heat recovery fan was estimated to be 961 kWh based on the hours (continuous operation from January to May & October to December) our controls were set to maintain an 0.03 ac/h infiltration rate around the year.

Simulation 2: Use of natural (night-time) ventilation

We notice that the worst month concerning the cooling demand is July and more particularly it is concentrated on the south facing zone. As a result, we have focused on first reducing (and possibly eliminating) the cooling demand in July, this would show we can eliminate the cooling demand in general.

We now introduce natural ventilation (This is in addition to the basic 0.03 ac/h external ventilation and the internal ventilation between the adjacent zones equal to 8.00ac/h)

Infiltration from the environment

The result of applying natural ventilation upon the cooling demand is rather encouraging as the demand becomes -0.2kWh for July.

Simulation 3: Increase the size of the south facing window to decrease the heating demand

Increasing the size of the window will on hand increase the passive solar gains but also increase heat losses as the glazing is not as good an insulator as the wall. The simulation will indicate whether overall we get a benefit from having a larger window.

We changed the area of the window from 7.5 m2 to 13.5 m2, meaning that we have a size increase of 80%. The basic ventilation from the outside remains at 0.03 ac/h for both the bedroom and the ling room-kitchen zones with the ventilation rate between the adjacent zones remaining at 8 ac/h.

As a result, we obtained an increase of the passive solar gains from 4002.2 kWh to 6108 kWh (52.6% augmentation).

The heating demand dropped to 940.6 kWh from the original value of 1519.2 kWh. In other words we have a reduction of 38.1%.

It is important to note that this can only be achieved by using glazing with excellent insulating properties in order to avoid having heat losses which would eliminate the benefit of the additional passive solar gains.

Simulation 4: Use of shading & natural ventilation after having increased the size of the south facing window

One problem however is that after the increase in the size of the south facing window, the cooling demand becomes significantly larger because of the increased passive solar gains. It is -1057.9 kWh.

The increased cooling demand is mainly concentrated in the summer period while the heating demand occurs mostly during winter. We could approximate the shading effect through a 30% decrease of the new glazing area during the summer months in order to return to a lower yearly passive solar gain of 5625 kWh. The natural ventilation is the following one:

Infiltration from the environment

The cooling demand after having applied shading and natural ventilation ends up to be only -14.9kWh.

Passive solar gain

Simulation 5: Increased window - improved floor U-Value through better insulation - max indoor Temperature levels increased to 27°C

Introducing an insulation layer in the floor structure was considered very important in order to avoid heat dissipated to the ground (winter period temperatures stay close to zero).

The new modified U-Value has been altered from 2.825 W/m2K to 1.510 W/m2K.

This simulation proves the advantage of improving the floor's U-Value. As a result the heating demand was further reduced to a value of 525.2 kWh (65% decrease of the base case).

Simulation 6: Use of shading & natural ventilation after having improved floor U-Value & max indoor Temperature levels increased to 27°C.

However the summer cooling load augmented significantly with the insulated floor to a value of -1522.8 kWh. This was dealt with by increasing natural ventilation (the same values as in simulation 4) through the north side window and setting cooling control to an acceptable max temperature level of 27°C. Utilising again a reduced south window (30% reduction as before) size for the summer period we managed to diminish the cooling demand to -2.0kWh.


The results upon the heating demand reduction in Glasgow are presented in the following graph::

Comparison heating demand Glascow

Case study 2