Case Study #2

Glycerine Applications


Selected Applications

The following applications were selected as options to the farm.

- Production of cosmetics, pharmaceutical products and food industry
- Burning as a fuel
- Anaerobic biodigestion
- Production of Methanol
- Production of hydrogen via Aqueous Phase Reforming (APR)
- Production of succinic acid, propylene glycol of other bio-chemicals

In order to present the advantages and disadvantages of each application, a SWOT analysis is presented below.

Swot analysis

The following chart summarises the analysis of the applications detailed before.

As long as the market for cosmetics and drugs is already showing signs of saturation, this application is not considered a solution for the glycerine problem. Moreover, for this application high degree of purity is needed, demanding purification plant, which makes it not suitable for Dowhill Farm.In this way, three technologies are considered in the shortlist:

- Burning as a fuel
- Anaerobic biodigestion
- Production of hydrogen via Aqueous Phase Reforming (APR)



» Go to Glycerine Applications: Shortlisted Applications

University of Strathclyde