Case Study # 1

Heat Recovery System





The following table compares both heat exchangers mentioned in the previous results page:


Ygnis (France)

Bowman (UK)


4 tube passes, counter-flow

Shell and tube, counter-flow

Maximum admissible temperature

280 ºC

700 ºC

Main application

Exhaust gas from Boilers

Exhaust gas from gas/diesel engines

Energy recovered

255 kWh/day

300 kWh/day

Estimated cost

£ 1,200.00

£ 4,000.00

As it can be seen on the previous table, the Totaleco will not be able to recover as much heat as the Bowman heat exchanger will. However, considering that the Bowman heat exchanger is three times as expensive as Totaleco, and that the energy recovered is just 45 kWh/day lower, Totaleco is going to be considered in this study. For a small installation as the Dowhill farm, this seems to be the best alternative.

Design of the closed loop integrated into the boiler room

Once the selection of the heat exchanger is done, its integration to the existing installation has to be considered. In order to do so properly, a brief estimation of the needs of the farm has been assessed. Based on the capacity of the boiler in site, it was estimated that an average of 480 kWh/day is needed for space heating and to produce hot water for the facilities. Considering this value, the existing boiler cannot be substituted by the heat exchanger, but its use can be reduced considering it as a back-up. Many configurations are available to integrate the heat exchanger to the heating system; however, the ones chosen for the project are those that combine it as an economiser of the boiler (inlet temperature: 60°C/ outlet: 80°C).

The loop is integrated to the inlet of the boiler. In this way, the heating water will be pre-heated in this loop before going to the boiler. Then, if the temperature is high enough, the boiler does not need to be activated. Consequently, the overall consumption of gas for space heating and hot water production will decrease.

Loop including regulation integrated as an economiser

The heat exchanger is directly integrated to the heating system. A pump is provided circulate the water. An air cooling heat exchanger is foreseen to release excess heat in the system if the water temperature is higher than 80°C. The three way control valve will control this equipment.

Loop including regulation and storage integrated as an economiser

Considering that the heat exchanger cannot be bypassed and consequently sometimes it will recover more heat than needed, storage can be integrated. It has been sized to store the energy provided by the maximum energy recoverable minus the minimum demand in the farm. The approximate size is 2 m³.

Cost Analysis

TOTALECO heat exchanger from Ygnis

Break-even: 2.1 years
Pay-back: 1.9 year
NPV after 10 years: £ 15,048.69

Heat exchanger from Bowman

Break-even: 3.3 years
Pay-back: 3.0 years
NPV after 10 years: £ 14,543.84


The Totaleco heat exchanger is then more suitable for the needs of the Farm. Indeed, even if it is not the more efficient solution, its low price gives it a big advantage and will make all the installation more profitable.

This will represent an economy of more than £ 200.00 per month.

» Go to Case Study #2: Glycerine Applications

University of Strathclyde