Log Book |
Week 1We discussed our initial preconcieved ideas about the subject of Wind Power Penetration--a brainstorming session. Attempts were then made to loosely define what it was our group could contribute to the vast subject area. week 2Involved individual widespread literature review/research. week 3First critical review was prepared for. It included a review of our interpretations of wind power and in particular what areas our group was likely to focus in on. week 4Continued research--individuals having been assigned particular areas to review. Meeting with out group tutor (every Tuesday) to discuss our plan and current level of knowledge. week 5Project beginning to take direction. Preparations made for our second critical review. Collective understanding of the subject matter now reasonably extensive. week 6We conducted individual, in-depth investigations into areas that we thought would be relevant to the project. However, the large number of relevant topics would ultimately mean that certain project paths were abandoned. For example we intended to develop a recent history of wind behaviour in the UK, but to do this would have constituted a project in itself. week 7Prepared for third Critical review. By now we trying to include far too many aspects in the project and consequently we were losing direction. Group morale had the wind taken out of its sails. week 8We realised that the project required to be reassessed. Many aspects that we thought were highly relevant had to be abandoned. This process was in many ways painful as a great deal of man hours had been spent on areas that would contribute no further to the project. week 9We prepared for the fourth Critical review with new found direction. The group were now united and had a clear vision of the project goals. This manifested itself in an excellant critical review where We also employed a radical presentation style. week 10We started to formulate conclusions concerning our storage and cost models. We also set about developing methods to ratify our working models. week 11We continued writing up our respective work for the website. We had some discussions about the structure of our final presentation to industry. We gave our final presentation in this week for critical review, which was in a rough form of the final presentation. week 12We prepared for our final presentation to an audience from industry in this week. We put final touches to our presentation and had rehearsals. The website was further updated.