Wind&Wave MSc Group Project
Project Management

Modelling & Development

Liquid Hydrogen production and storage

Our idea is to use all the energy from wind & wave devices to produce liquid hydrogen. It can be stored and then used both onshore (to generate electricity) or as a marine fuel. Graph below shows a simplified scheme of the process:

Electrolysis principle:

Summary of the Liquid hydrogen production & storage scheme parameters:

[1] Zittel, W., Reinhold, L., Bolkow, L., (1996) 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen. Hydrogen in the Energy Sector', Systemtechnik Gmbitt
[2] Schwartz, J. (2011) 'Advanced Hydrogen Liquefaction Process', Praxair

Hydrogen is stored in 16 tanks, each one has a volume of ~96m3. The storage scheme was designed for 10 days of production - each 10 days hydrogen can be taken onshore. Should more ships use liquid hydrogen as a fuel, the H.U.B can act as a 'petrol station' for ships operating in the area. Therefore we included space and devices required for ship bunkering when designing the hub.

Liquid hydrogen ships

Liquid Hydrogen Tanker concept design. Picture by Kawasaki Heavy Industries © 2018 LH2 fueled cruise ship. Picture by Viking Cruises © 2017