Main factors influencing the choice of location

Below are the main factors to consider when planning the location of a data centre powered by renewable energy (1)

1. High speed fibre optic cable

This is the single most important consideration when locating a data centre; the constant ability to move data in and out of the facility with minimum disruption (low latency).

2. Security

Physical and virtual security are equally as important.

3. Power Supply

The renewable energy source needs to be able to match the constant demand required.

4. Skills and Employment

A suitable sized and skilled workforce must be within short, reachable distance of the facility, to support the data centre as well as the renewable energy facility.

5. Community Support

The local community needs to perceive the facility and its energy source as beneficial.

6. Access

7. Environment


References used in this page:

1. Price Waterhouse Coopers 2007: Benchmarking Study on Iceland as a Location for Data Centre Activity, May.
2. Jim Mennie, Telecosse – personal communication
3. John Scally, Server Subject Matter Expert. Personal communication, 22 April 2010
4. Suppliers’ quotation for Small Scale Hydroelectric Project,  MSc Project 2010, University of Strathclyde
5. accessed 8 May 2010
6.  accessed 7 May 2010
7. Lockerbie Data Centres - An Environment Statement (including a non-technical summary) accessed 18 March 2010