Map of Scotland showing optic fibre routes in the North

Access to a high speed fibre optic cable is the first essential for locating a data centre.  The map below shows cables and access points in the North of Scotland, shown against centres of population.

Map reproduced courtesy of:


For example the 1000km SHEFA-2 submarine fibre optic cable operated by Faroese Telecomms runs from the Faroe Islands to Shetland and Orkney terminating on mainland Scotland at Banff with a capacity of 57x10 Gbit/s. The cable is “passive” and therefore not requiring an upgrade should capacity increase; however the connection points on land would need upgrading


The only practical areas where a data centre could be connected to high speed cables are along the E coast from Banff to Thurso, and in Orkney and Shetland.


References used in this page:

(5) Marvin Smith, Shetland Islands Council, personal communication
(6) Peter Gent, personal communication