Simulation and results analysis


To understand the basic stages of an ESP-r session: manipulating models, undertaking simulations, analysing results and constructing client reports.


Familiarity with the operation of the ESP-r Project Manager and an appreciation of the steps involved in commissioning and analysing simulations.




1. Initiating ESP-r.

Change into your home folder and type the command esp-r. This starts the Project Manager. On the upper right is the navigation menu, on the upper left is the graphics feedback area and on the lower left the text feedback area. The panel at the bottom is for your inputs when requested to make them.

Select the open option from the menu and then open an exemplar and browse through the exemplar models; select one of the simple models.

2. Initiating a simulation. Select the browse and simulate option from the Project manager menu. Then choose the simulation option from the Actions section of the Model Definition menu. The ESP-r integrated simulation module will now start up in a separate window. Run a simulation and store the results in a file noting its name and folder for later recall.
3. Analysing results.

Select results analysis from the Actions portion of the Model Definition menu. You will be asked for the previous results file name. If the results file name is not found, you may need to provide the full path to the results file. Access some graphs and tables for a few parameters such as zone air and ambient temperatures.

4. Think about it!

Additional information is available in an online course which covers the concepts of energy modelling and simulation through case studies. This will give you an insight into the capabilities of ESP-r and similar programs.


Send an email with the name of the exemplar you selected and for the period you simulated state:
  1. the maximum air temperature in the first thermal zone of the model; and
  2. the minimum outside air temperature.


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