Results analysis - additional facilities

Aim To review the range of possible results analysis options.
Learning outcome Ability to interrogate results in order to identify poor performance and isolate the causal factors.



1. Undertake a comfort analysis.

Choose the Indoor quality menu option and undertake a Comfort analysis. Explore the available comfort indices and influencing parameters.
2. Display energy balances. Use a results database generated from a simulation with the save level set at 4 (i.e. the highest level). From the Enquire about menu, explore the zone and surface energy balance outputs. These can be useful when investigating the cause of particular problems.

3. Display intra-constructional temperatures.

An intra-construction temperature profile can be displayed for any construction and over any time period. The internal construction state may then be linked to interstitial condensation potential.

4. Tabulate results and save to a file for later access by an external analysis and display application.

Some menus allow you to redirect the output to a file (by selecting the toggle item Output >>). A non-ESP-r application such as xmgrace may then be used to further process the data in this file.

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