Transportation is now the largest source of carbon emissions in the UK. The United Kingdom becomes first major economy to pass net zero emissions law. New target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. To reduce CO2 and GHG emissions, individuals can use cleaner modes of transportation to get around, EVs is one of the best choice of new technology to tackle this problem.

This project will let you explore the scenario to support the EV technology by let EVs charging energy sources come from the Renewable energy and charging when the National Grid has a low carbon content. You will explore the demand shifting data, EVs profile, National Grid profile, and our scenario to save the world.

" Let's Begin with the Journey "


16 Richmond St 
Glasgow G1 1XQ 
United Kingdom
+ 44 141 552 4400

Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,  James Weir Building, Level 8,  
75 Montrose Street
Glasgow G1 1XJ
Scotland, UK

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