Tidal Phasing

Tidal Site Phasing Tool


In order to analyse different combinations of tidal sites in Scotland it was thought necessary to develop a tidal site-phasing tool. This tool uses information gathered from Tidal Admiralty Charts and datasets from the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) to create velocity profiles for a number of tidal areas across Scotland. There is also the option for users to enter their own velocity data or investigate different velocities for a given tidal area.


The tool allows users to choose from a database of tidal areas across Scotland and to see how different site combinations of affect the quality of phasing. The tool also allows the user to choose from a number of turbine performance parameters in order to investigate the effect of changing turbine performance on the baseload and firm power output of chosen sites.

A number of significant parameters such are displayed to the user-these include:

  • Baseload Power Output (MW)
  • Total Installed Capacity (MW)
  • Total Energy Output (MWh)
  • Total Firm Energy (MWh)
  • Percentage Contribution of Baseload to Scotland’s Electricity Demand


The tool also allows user to view a number of graphical outputs including:

  • Phased Sites Monthly Power Output
  • Phased and Un-phased Sites Baseload Output
  • Spring Week Power Output
  • Neap Week Power Output
  • Contribution of Phased Sites to Scotland’s Electricity Demand