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                    Current Problems





Construction villages have traditionally not received any attention regarding energy efficiency and environmental comfort. Below is a list of problems identified from the construction site. They are:


  1. Lack of proper energy metering devices.


  1. Usage of low cost heaters with no proper temperature control systems, causing more wastage of energy.


  1. Lighting controls were being clubbed in such a way (two light were connected to the same switch) thereby resulting in wastage of energy.  


  1. Air leakages are found across all the windows installed and are the major contributor for the temperature change inside the room even the windows were closed.


  1. There is a considerable variation between temperatures between rooms, thereby causing discomfort and poor working conditions.


  1. Lighting and heating systems are switched on in the canteens even during the unoccupied times.


  1. As the heating system inside the drying room was running 24hrs a day it contributes to major energy consumption as a result of poor ventilation and improper heating controls.


  1. The lighting and heating system in the toilets were kept switched on for the whole working hours. The amount of energy wasted increase on multiplying the energy wasted in total no of toilets.


  1. Main entrance doors contributed to a major air infiltration, as a result of continuous opening and closing.


  1. Lack of energy policy in the construction sites working  guidelines.


  1. Lack of proper Energy Management Responsibility Structure.


  1. Lack of proper Involvement and Training of Staff and Contractors.


  1. Lack of Monitoring and Targeting Policy.


  1. Lack of awareness posters across the cabins.



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Developed by Group 1- MSc Energy Systems & Environment year 2005/06
Webmaster:miguelcam_1@hotmail.com /Last updated: 07-May-2006