[Data Acquisition]

Using Data collected from an ESTI Sensor mounted at 40o on the roof of the James Weir Building of the University of Strathclyde in the centre of Glasgow an estimation of how effective solar installations can be in an urban environment will be made. Due to the nature of the sun the amount of irradiance falling on the earth's surface can vary from minute to minute, hour to hour and day to day.


Data was recorded constantly from 11/12/00 until 16/03/01 and the data during night hours was disregarded as it holds no useful data.

This demonstrates the widely ranging values of solar irradiation that fell during the measured months. The average value of irradiance during this period of daylight hours was calculated as 198.849 W/m2. The yearly average will be greater as the majority of these readings are during winter months. An assumption that the yearly average will be approximately 220W/m2 (or 110W/m2 over a 24 hour period) will be made.



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