Using key input determinants of energy performance


Using key determinants of energy performance in order to achieve an A-Rated dwelling.


To see the effect of different factors on the carbon rating of a building.




1. Establish a base case

1. From categories list select ‘Semi-detached pre 1981- reg boiler low efficiency’.

2. From Fabric Determinants, select Shape to be 2 storey.

3. Click ‘select base’ button to select this as base case.

4. Click ‘carbon rater’ to view carbon rating for this case.

5. Save new category as a base case:
5.1 From File menu, select Save new category.
5.2 Enter a name for the new case eg, Semi-det 2sto Ex1.
5.3 From File menu, select Refresh to refresh the categories list

6. Use fabric and system sliders to roughly investigate options.
Fabric slider, when moving from left to right reduces fabric heat loss.
System slider when moving from left to right improves system efficiencies

2. Improve fabric and compare with base case

1. From Fabric Determinants, select Insulation as ‘super’. Confirm that the carbon rating improves.

2. Review other performance indicators.

3. Select air changes as ‘tight’, review again.

3. Improve systems

Try the following improvements to improve the system:

1. From Heating System Type, select ‘boiler cond’.

2. HW system type, ‘main combi’.

3. Controls, ‘advanced’.

4. Vent/cool, ‘mvhr super’.

5. Renewables, ‘Sol + pv’.

4. Archive Results

1. Click the archive button.

2. Enter a label for your case e.g. Semi-det 2sto Ex1 A-rated and click OK.

3. Go to folder C:\Esru\HEM\data (or equivalent directory where you have installed the program) and open edem_archive to see the archived data.

5. Save a new category with the improved dwelling

1. From File menu, select Save new category.

2. Enter a name for the new case eg, Semi-det 2sto Ex1 A-rated.

3. From File menu, select Refresh to refresh the categories list.

6. Delete a category

Follow the following steps in order to delete newly saved categories.

1. Go to folder C:\Esru\HEM\data and open file named categoriesList.csv

2. Delete the row with the category you want to delete eg Semi-det 2sto Ex1 A-rated.

3. Save changes to the document.


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