What is a Fuzzy Set?


As stated in the introduction we want to use fuzzy sets to make computers smarter, we now have to code the above idea more formally. In our first example we coded all the elements of the Universe of Discourse with 0 or 1. A straight way to generalize this concept is to allow more values between 0 and 1. In fact, we even allow infinite many alternatives between 0 and 1, namely the unit interval I = [0, 1].

The interpretation of the numbers now assigned to all elements of the Universe of Discourse is much more difficult. Of course, again the number 1 assigned to an element means that the element is in the set B and 0 means that the element is definitely not in the set B. All other values mean a gradual membership to the set B.

To be more concrete we now show the set of young people similar to our first example graphically by its characteristic function.

This way a 25 years old would still be young to a degree of 50 percent.

Now you know what a fuzzy set is. But what can you do with it? Continue to the next page !

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