Def 2.1 Intersection of Sets
We call a new set generated from two given sets A and B intersection of A and B, if the new set contains exactly those elements that are contained in A and in B.

Def 2.2 Unification of Sets
We call a new set generated from two given sets A and B unification of A and B, if the new set contains all elements that are contained in A or in B or in both.

Def 2.3 Negation of Sets
We call a new set containing all elements which are in the universe of discourse but not in the set A the negation of A.

Def 3.1 Linguistic Variable
A linguistic variable is a quintuple (X,T(X),U,G,M,), where X is the name of the variable, T(X) is the term set, i.e. the set of names of linguistic values of X, U is the universe of discourse, G is the grammer to generate the names and M is a set of semantic rules for associating each X with its meaning.

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