Case Study: Feasibility Study of a Hydrogen Filling Station

The team selected to examine the case of gaseous hydrogen generated at a UK based hydrogen filling station by electrolysis, stored as a compressed gas at 2,910 psi and dispensed to a vehicle as a gas. The hydrogen filling station set-up exhibits a capacity of refuelling 100 cars on a daily basis (demand: 400 kg of hydrogen/day) and features on-site hydrogen production; compressed hydrogen gas storage in an underground storage infrastructure and over-ground dispensing facilities. For the particular analysis, grid electricity is assumed to power the electrolyser. Water is supplied in a normal basis via regular water pumps connected to the main water supply. The option of renewable electricity provided can be considered as a future alternative.

Aims and Objectives:

The Team' s aims are to evaluate the round trip efficiency of hydrogen through four designated stages; Hydrogen Production; Storage; Dispensing and Utilisation through a fuel cell. A cost evaluation of the station as well as production and selling prices of hydrogen in relation to the station's fuel capacity are proposed. An Environmental Impact Analysis also aims to identify hydrogen's role in a dynamically evolving future.

Hydrogen Economy