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     Distributed generation has many important socio-economical benefits which make stronger the need to develop this kind of electricity generation:

  • By installing many distributed generators in many different rural areas leads to the development of these areas. This happens because there are investments for these areas and jobs are created for some technicians who are usually staying far away. That means these technicians will may be willing to move and stay in these rural areas and a part of the total population will be distributed. Finally, jobs are going to be created, just to cover the needs of these people and the local population will have the option to stay for work in these areas and not to move at the big cities.
  • With the distributed generation, the energy source is near in the area of the demand and local people who before didn’t have any idea for energy matters and sustainability are becoming now more conscious.
  • By appropriate combining with the electricity grid, distributed generation offers security of the electricity supply. Faults are less and that means people and cities or villages can cover their basic electricity needs all the time.
  • Distributed generation can also be used as a stand alone power option especially for islands and for rural areas which have problems to be connected at the electricity grid. The electricity demands at these places can be covered cheaper and easier.
  • Distributed generation option leads more developers to invest and maintains the competitiveness in the electricity market. As a result, customers have more choices for covering their electricity demands and can expect better support and quality of supply.
  • Usually the projects concerned with distributed generation have short construction time. This result to less installation expenses and the developers start earning money very soon. Moreover, for small-scale generators there are small capital investments and the interest rate which the developers may pay to the bank for the loans that they took for buying and installing the equipment, can be small.


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