V13.1.1 of 4 July 2018 1. Re-release based on code taken from GitHub on 14 June 2018. V13.1.2 of 9 July 2018 1. Tidying up of the source distribution and related modifications to the Install script (but no theory changes). V13.2.1 of 18 July 2018 1. Flow networks now 3D allowing superimposition on a display of the building geometry (3D flow model examples added). 2. Feature added to automatically create flow networks from a scan of a model's surface attributes. 4. A flow visualiser added to bps to display CFD outputs per time-step. 5. The CFD flow results file extended to include contaminants. 6. Local comfort reporting in res now takes into account CFD outputs. V13.2.3 of 1 August 2018 1. Added feature to output data in markdown format. 2. Enabled ability to create partial mappings between plant and flow networks. V13.2.4 of 8 August 2018 1. New Install command line option to define maximum model size. 2. Import of gbXML geometry/construction to an ESP-r model. 3. Convertion of an EnergyPlus IDF file to an ESP-r model. 4. Two new complex fenestration controllers added. 5. Utilisation of the external 'modish' tool (by Gian Luca Brunetti) to explicitly model the diffuse solar reflections associated with external objects. V13.2.5 of 15 August 2018 1. Refinement of the Lithium Ion battery model. 2. Errors in plant components CMP31C and CMP39C fixed and functionality of CMP53C extended. 3. Minor fix to mixed plant/mass flow mapping. 4. Refinement to the modish tool for explicit diffuse shading calculation. 5. Refinement to moisture flow modelling and addition of a new exemplar (wsf). 6. Refinement to PCM modelling and addition of a new exemplar model (cellular_PCM). 7. Refinement to GSHP modelling and addition of a new exemplar model (cellular_GSHP). 8. Modified Install script to not ask about debug and XML (now a command line option). 9. CFD results viewer now only invoked at first time step (requested thereafter). 10. Update to several cfg files related to CFD assessments so calculations converge. 11. Removed chatter at start-up of several modules. V13.2.6 of 21 September 2018 1. Added capability to manipulate 3D views in the prj window using the mouse or arrow keys. 2. Addition of a two-position controller and a related exemplar model. 3. Moved arrays associated with storing CFC database items from common block to a new module, CFC_Module.f90. This allows dynamic allocation of arrays based on the number of entries in the CFC database. Users may point to a small or empty CFC database to significantly reduce bps memory usage. A third CFC database with a single entry has been added to support this possibility. This change was equired to enable co-simulation with TRNSYS. 4. Some minor modifications implemented: - the DHW module now properly references the temperature of the zone in which it is located; - minor bug fixes and removal of interface inconsistencies; - checking of XML library availability in the Install script; - array index error in subroutine THZERO in btherm.F fixed. V13.2.7 of 22 October 2018 1. The 1- and 2-node GSHP components now have 3 control variables to enable switching between space heating and DHW. 2. A new 3-way valve with flow limiter is introduced. 3. The cellular_GSHP exemplar model is adapted to use the new GSHP components and the 3-way valve (but note that DHW is not included.) 4. 10 plant components added to support district heating systems modelling (a related exemplar will be added in future). 5. Enable ground temperature information to be associated with a plant-only model. 6. Added a new flow diverter component which supports multiple ports. V13.2.8 of 5 November 2018 1. Bug fix affecting the reading of plant components from the database. 2. Added the option in the simulation toggles menu to assign the zone wet bulb to the ambient wet bulb temperature. When used with a dummy zone, this allows the emulation of a direct evaporative cooler (the additional actions required are summarised in ebld/subsys.F). 3. Enabling of operative temperature reporting in res, making use of local air data from CFD where possible. 4. Bug fixes to enable 3D gridding via the grd module (note that at the present time there is an issue preventing bps running a model with 3D conduction activated). 5. Removal of Solaris ifdefs. 6. Accommodation of large flow networks. 7. Introduction of .json file exchange capability. 8. Support for multiple CFC conrol day types and removal os inconsistences between plant and CFC control. 9. Resolved data issues affecting plant components 32C and 33C. 10. Refinement to the modish tool. V13.2.9 of 6 December 2018 1. Overhaul of ESP-r's font rendering (you may need to issue the command 'sudo apt-get install libxft2-dev' to install the required fonts). 2. Fix of a pernicious bug in moistr.F. 3. Some interface tidying. V13.2.10 of 23 January 2019 1. Bug fixes to: - 3D gridding feature; - combined heat and moisture flow model; - 'root file name' for .csv; - editing of constructions; - sky radiation 'out of range' test modified. 2. Additional h3k variable output. 3. Modification to GSHP and hot water tank models (to fix lockout timing, correct SH/DHW mode logic, adapt stochastic HW output variable, and activate containment heat flux for HW tank). 4. Modification to CFC model (control day types, addition of CFC as 'transparent' to radiance model output, addition of functions for better radiance support). 5. New controls for mass flow networks based on RH or partial vapour pressure. 6. Addition of monthly ground moisture profiles. V13.2.11 of 12 February 2019 1. Upgrade to weather file handling to support atmospheric pressure where available. 2. New feature to infer boundary conditions for CFD domains from zone geometry. 3. Cancel option introduced in relation to requests for file names. 4. Some bug fixes. 5. Two aberrant exemplar models moved to the new 'models/pending' folder until a fix can be implemented. V13.3.1 of 22 February 2019 1. Addition of the external 'gtool' program (by Dechao Tang) as an optional CAD front-end to the Project Manager. For installation details, refer to https://www.strath.ac.uk/research/energysystemsresearchunit/applications/esp-r/. 2. Addition of 3 new occupant models. - the first determines the sensible and latent heat load from occupants based on the number of occupants, their gender/age and their metabolic rate; - the second is based on the 2-node (core,skin) energy balance equation by Gagge; - the third is a multi-segment human physiology model with an an energy balance equation for different body segments that accounts for clothing insulation, sweating, shivering and blood circulation. 3. Addition of 2 examplar models related to the above occupant models. 4. Refinement or removal (to pending folder) of old exemplar models. 5. Refinements to the flow network definition and display facilities. 6. Modish bug fix and refined user documentation (see file modish.pm). 7. Several interface refinements. V13.3.2 of 15 April 2019 1. Code added to ebld/mstmsc.F to catch zero density issues. 2. Changes to the SPMCMP5 PV model to ensure the correct sign is applied to the temperature coefficient variables. 3. Changes to zones and surfaces now automatically reflected in air flow network and additional support for network creation. 4. Fixed error during surface creation via click-on-vertex option plus various improvements to surface manipulation. 5. Additional weather parameters added (total cloud cover, opaque cloud cover and atmospheric pressure). Old format files sill supported. N.B. This development has necessitated reorganisation of the menus in clm and weather parameter selection in res. This will break existing scripts that automate these aspects of ESP-r. 6. External longwave radiation algorithm now utilises cloud cover and atmospheric pressure data if available. 7. Added the capability to use Perez skies derived from weather data to the modish procedure. 8. Extended modish to offer alternative methods for the determination of diffuse shading factors. 9. Added: calculation of actual and ISO U-values; optional output of surface data (area, layer thickness, layer density) to 'summary.out'; convection models for tilted CFC constructions (activation requires a recompile - flags in CFC_common.h); h3k output of SPMCMP5 PV module efficiency. 10. Fixed bug preventing an automatic restart of prj when required. 11. Various refinements to ensure that ESP-r support tools are properly installed. V13.3.3 of 14 May 2019 1. Some plant model refinements and the addition of 2 related exemplar models: - a house with a wet central heating system, which uses the new flow control functions to represent realistic flow distributions for a multi-radiator system; - a simple district heating network. 2. Bugs fixes related to: - weather data importing and display; - 3D conduction modelling. 3. Added option in e2r to use fisheye RADIANCE views. This is now the default for glare analysis. 4. CFD refinements: - further automation of CFD boundary condition generation; - added option to infer blockages from visual entities; - enabled contaminants in all CFD domains; - CFD results as generated for Paraview now includes contaminant concentration, blockages, air flow and source boundary conditions; - 'Grid visualisation' menu updated. 5. Numerous user interface tidying refinements - a work in progress! V13.3.4 of 28 June 2019 1. Updates to sensitivity analysis feature (this required a menu change that may affect script operation). 2. New model calibration feature based on the Calibro tool available as a separate download from the ESRU web site. 3. Support for up to 99 simulation results sets with extended reporting and display of uncertainty bands on output graphs. 4. Revised and expanded predefined zone entities. 5. Adapted glare calculation facility to better reflect standard view conventions. 6. Refined scripts that transform EnergyPlus IDF files into ESP-r models. 7. Added templates for use in creating markdown (docx) versions of ESP-r reports. 8. Refinement to font management and more consistent rotation of wireframe images. V13.3.5 of 1 August 2019 1. A portion of the geometry data model has been consolidated (does not affect model files or interface): - Common block G5 revised and G6 and ZNDATA removed; - Common block METASURF consolidated. 2. Fixed problem with incorrect updating of mass flow network and obstructions following a global model positional transformation. 3. Added capability to impose time varying albedo values via a temporal definition file. 4. Corrected units of some phase change material properties in code comments. 5. Gnielinski convection correlation added for forced convection in channels. 6. Minor refinement to the 2-node GSHP model. 7. Extra surface data output for embedded energy post-processing. 8. New release of modish incorporating various improvements. For details on tool functionality see http://metacpan.org/pod/Sim::OPT::Modish. 9. Bug fix in the multi-sensor basic controller (BCL19). V13.3.6 of 29 August 2019 1. An 'updates available' notification (if appropriate) is now issued on prj start-up. 2. Commencement of a complete overhaul of the user interface in relation to menu organisation, help messages and user feedback - this is a work in progress. 3. Refinement of the mixed control actuator option to allow association with current zone (as opposed to a named zone). 4. Bug fix in file stndrds.F of evld, which prevented the selection of multiple BESTEST models. 5. Obscure run time errors now written to a scratch file rather than reported to user. Look out for files .?.log in your home directory and delete if not required. V13.3.7 of 16 September 2019 1. Bug fixes relating to: - crash on selecting 'browse/edit/simulate' in prj (apology for that one!); - missing entries in the materials file; - contaminant/mass flow network linkages; and - plant/building domain linkages via containments. 2. Enhanced model view control, including pan and zoom (details given in the 'Image Control' menu). 3. More intuitive ASCII weather file format (older formats still supported). 4. Further pervasive changes as part of the continuting effort to tidy up the interface/code and improve application robustness. Note that the changes in this release should not affect existing scripts. (Some advice: it is best to merge the changes in this and future releases as they are issued, rather than waiting until this period of code volatility passes.) V13.3.8 of 10 January 2020 1. Updates and consolidation of geometry data structures with rarely used arrays removed. 2. Deprecation of some exemplar models (moved to Pending folder) and update of others. 3. Network focus feature added to support the editing process. 4. Added a menu option to clm to provide summary report on current weather file. 5. Functionality added to support the creation of model variants. 6. Refinements to the help messages associated with plant network definition. 7. Changes to the radiant floor model: - implementation of an alternative radiant floor model for a dry system with fin, including the ability to read in measured supply temperatures and flow rates; and - enabling the imposition of time varying supply temperatures and flow rates defined via the tdf feature (as required by IEA Annex 71 work). 8. Fix to incorrect averaging in res. 9. Revised the tester ANALYSE script to reflect changes in res interface and correct an error in topic selections. 10. Changes to the coordination of zone heat transfer coefficients to support multiple day types. 11. Building results file extended to support up to 200 sets of sensitivity studies. 12. Consolidation of materials, multi-layer constructions and optics databases. The entities hosted within model-specific databases havd been relocated to material.db, multicon.db and optics.db. 13. Revised interface for zone heat transfer coefficient utilisation to support multiple day types. 14. Exporting of CFC lines to TRN_ layers in .dxf enabled. 15. Use of atmospheric pressure in psychrometric calculations enabled if available in the weather file. If not, users can specify altitude as part of the site definition via the context menu, with a constant atmospheric pressure is used based on this setting. (At present, air density calculations still assume standard atmospheric pressure.) 16. Enabled generation of wireframe images when running in text mode and updated controls for invoking the xfig application. 17. Updated res flow reporting by avoiding truncation of entity names and reducing visual clutter with complex flow networks. V13.3.9 of 17 April 2020 1. Colour added to flow network graphs in res and an error with the l/s unit in zone to/from ambient reporting corrected. 2. Removed truncation when reporting component & node names in reports and graphs. 3. When focused on a subset of nodes, the graphic view is now also focused. 4. Components associated with partitions now correctly drawn and shown within prj menus. 5. Extended feature to automatically generate flow networks from surface attributes. The treatment of door undercuts, window trickle vents and doors which are slightly ajar have been updated to reflect information available from manufacturers. 6. Unused data fields removed from the model cfg file; older files still read. 7. In text mode paging selections are now the same as in graphic mode to simplify scripting. 8. Multi-column text menus reformatted. 9. Several bug fixes. 10. Update of celluar_GSHP model. 11. Several materials and constructions added to the standard databases. 12. Improved reporting of heat transfer coefficient controls. 13. Ability to select columns to include in zone, surface and MLC reports. 14. Option added to show surface USE in attribution menus. 15. Generalised the logic for scanning gbXML files to handle the case of doors and windows that are co-incident with a wall edge. 16. Modish version update. 17. New plant control item, -7, added which allows the reading and passing of external data (similar to item -5). Currently, the use of BC_data_file from CETC is activated, while the use of TDF data is commented out. 18. Addition of new COP model to 1n-GSHP. 19. Addition of an inverter controlled ground source heat pump (icGSHP). 20. Addition of parameters to stochastic DHW draw to allow the setting of a temperature profile for the cold water supply. 21. Bug fix in xHSP affecting calculation of apparent power draw. V13.3.10 of 27 July 2020 1. Fix to epdf/netnet.F to revert code introduced at V13.3.8 which accidently changed the definitions applied to plant component connections orphaning current plant network models. 2. Some exemplar models have been enhanced and others removed. 3. Further development to automated flow network generation. 4. Corrected issues in predefined.db that were problematic for Radiance. 5. New predefined entries added along with an updated preview feature and the ability to rapidly adjust placement within zones. 6. Added capability to set number of Radiance cores in e2r. 7. Added surface reveal creation feature in prj. 8. Removed bug preventing the processing of zone operation files with electrical network properties. 9. Enabled the copying, translation and/or rotation of groups of zones. 10. Introduced additional options for linking zones and control functions. 11. Implemented the option to compute shading and insolation (S/I) at the bps time step level rather than utilising a pre-determined S/I file. This paves the way for a dynamic treatment of moveable facade devices. 12. Bug fix to running mean ambient temperature calculation in window opening control type FCL04. 13. Addition of running mean ambient temperature from FCL04 to h3k output. 14. Bug fix to ground temperature calculation. V13.3.11 of 17 October 2020 1. External irradiance related: - Embedding of Modish in bps to enable the automatic determination of shortwave reflections associated with external objects and the ground (calls Radiance). This feature must be activated via the contect menu in prj and assumes that the model being simulated has the embedded shading/insolation option defined. (See the help associated with the 'external reflections' menu for the definition of the Modish parameters.) This is a beta release and will become the default treatment for the embedded shading/insolation case after further testing. - Two exemplar models added corresponding to the calculation of shading, insolation and external refelections (if activated) at the time-step level. One has external objects with low surface reflectivity, the other with high reflectivity. - Improved handling of insolation factors to support large models. 2. CFD related: - Significant bug removed that would compromise some CFD simulations when coupled with a fluid flow network. - Enabled association of CFD domain blockages with building surface boundary conditions. - Addition of a CFD boundary condition export file for all coupled simulations. - Addition of automatic CFD grid refinement functionality (activated via the 'simulation options' option from the bps 'Simulation control' menu). - Change to adaptive conflation controller log file name for consistency. - Improved CFD boundary condition handling in staggered velocity grid cells. - Enabled directed flow for CFD opening boundary conditions. - Improved CFD domain auto-generation, enabling easier creation of uniform grids and automatic blockage inference for non-rectangular zones. - Contaminant sources linked to occupant gains will now take notice of temporal occupancy definitions. 4. New features: - Support for the scaling of temporal data items. - Request for user clarification when automatically creating flow entities associated with 'similar' or 'adiabatic' surfaces. - Support for up to 32 groups of zones. - Additional flow network controllers. - More help when associating predefined entities (contents and furnishings) with a zone. - Greater content flexibility when tabluating simulation results. - Check for active flow network control before reporting "free-floating" at simulation initialisation. - Extend ground temperature range to accommodate high altitude sites. - Added ambient pressure & density, flow node pressure & density, and lighting & equipment casual gains to xml output. - Prepended the short ID name in the constructions database listing. - Option added to reverse a flow connection during editing. - Additional error checks introduced during flow network definition. 4. Bug fixes: - In electrical network definition where zone electrical loads could not be connected to the electrical network. - Relating to zone RH control. - Non-symmetric constructions now handled correctly when copied to another zone and mirrored. - To properly update the surface attribute menu. - To ground temperature calculation. - Various code tidies and minor corrections. - Refined handling for the case where surface attributes are missing in the zone geometry file. V13.3.12 of 24 March 2021 1. New features: - Exporting of an ESP-r model in Wavefront .obj file format. Zone surfaces, zone contents and external obstructions become closed bodies comprising named groups of faces with a matching .mtl file for surface properties. Options given to include/exclude model parts. - Importing of .obj and .mtl files to Blender and Wings 3D. Blender used to produce a .stl files for slicing and 3D printing. Wings 3D used to manipulate the .obj model from the Project Manager. - Changed how insolation factors are stored in files to support large models. - CFD boundary conditions enhanced to better handle small openings with directed flows. Added trap for flatlining residuals within a CFD domain. - A model's technical features are now indicated on the Project Manager start-up screen. 2. Exemplar models: - CFD-related models revised to better demonstrate the progressive increase in detail from decoupled CFD, through thermally-coupled to fully-coupled CFD domains. - General tidy-up of model folders (refreshing of files & databases, creation of sub-folders etc.). - Some out-of-date models moved from the 'training' folder to the 'deprecated' folder. - A further embedded shading model added. 3. Miscellaneous: - Changed start-up window aspect ratio to 'more landscape'. - Further refinement of help messages. - Tidy-up or some graphs in res. - Automation of thermophysical property attribution in the case of zone-in-zone creation or construction copy to another zone. - When prescribing inter-zone ventilation in one zone, the option is now given to automatically balance the flow with the connected zone. - Zone geometry file automatically updated after insertion of new surfaces. - Problem with CFD results library writing fixed. - Problem with time-step CFD results being read by dfv fixed. - Problem with CFD boundary condition auto-generation fixed. - Roll-back of a previous change to res that broke some automation scripts. - Corrected incorrect operative temperature calculation in res. - Continuing source code tidy-up. V13.3.13 of 27 September 2021 1. Fluid flow: - Significant bug fixes affecting turbulent and coupled CFD simulations. 2. Control: - A zone control function added: as basic control but only active during occupied periods. - Flow network control can now sense occupancy status. - Enabled mixed radiant/ convective actuation in zone control function 11 (set-points from temporal fie). 3. New features: - Introduction of 'agents' that respond to conditions occuring throughout a simulation. Occupant agents complain when comfort criteria are violated, while management agents aggregate occupant complaints and have the authority to halt the simulation. The former feature is activated via the 'building composition' menu, the latter via the 'browse/ edit/ simulate' menu. - The ability added to impose random perturbations on a simulation to represent events such as equipment failure. Defined via the 'model context' menu. (Note that these new features require a change in the Project Manager menu structure, which may break existing automation scripts.) 4. Miscellaneous: - Added 'msc' and 'tmp' folders to the main model folder to hold miscellaneous and temporary files respectively. - Removed redundant model data structures and cfg file entries. - Reformatted model files to align content, improve comments and remove redundant entries. - Added more options for importing weather file data. - Continued rationalisation of exemplar models. - Test suite models updated. - Training and validation models updated and redundant models moved to the deprecated folder. - Some rationalisation of model documentation. - Various minor bug fixes. V13.3.14 of 21 February 2022 1. Revised file formats and databases: - System control files, with upgrade to optical control to replace the control embedded in zone tmc files, extend sensor types and also allow multiple day types. - Zone construction files to merge zone tmc files. - IPV directives now located in a separate file in the msc folder. - Model upgrade facility updates old formats (although these can stil be read). - Special materials results, as stored in the results database, is now the sum of all such materials present in the zone. - Added new PV module to components database. - Added new blinds to optics database. 2. Exemplar models: - Training, validation and tester models updated. - New weather files added and some existing files updated to include atmospheric pressure. - Model variant facility updated to accommodate recent changes to monthly vs embedded shading. 3. External reflections (via modish): - Fix to bug preventing modish running in monthly mode. - Mod to allow the monthly mode to be called once only for many zones. - All modish modes can now be activated for specified zones and surfaces. - Two exemplar models added to the 'model' folder, one for embedded (time stepping) operation, the other for monthly operation. 4. Model export: - Extended export of wavefront files to allow individual placement of bodies to the centre line, inside face or outside face of the zone polygon. 5. Occupant modelling: - Refinement of 'dynamic people' type casual gains in zone operations. 6. Integrated CFD: - Introduced new CFD blockage boundary condition type, 'casual gain'. This allows representation of a solid heat source (or sink) in the domain, e.g. a computer, and dynamic conflation with a casual gain type in zone operations. - Introduced new CFD blockage boundary condition type, 'occupant'. This allows representation of an occupant in a CFD domain and the dynamic conflation with occupant heat gains. The feature requires dynamic people in zone operations. - Multiple CFD source BCs can now be linked to a single contaminant network source, distributed by prescribed fractions (a common use case is CO2 release can now be distributed among multiple occupants in the domain). - Streamlined CFD-to-contaminant network coupling. - New CFD domain file (.dfd) format V2.3 introduced to accommodate above changes. - Disabled CFD opening zero gradient boundary conditions until a fix in its aberrant operaion can be developed. - Tightened CFD flatlined residual detection criteria to try to prevent the premature halting of simulations. The CFD flatlined residual detection criteria is now proportional to the convergence criterion, rather than a percentage change. - Changed default CFD solution setup to a more widely applicable configuration. V13.3.15 of 14 October 2022 1. User interface: - Reorganisation of model configuration file to support direct user browsing. Backward compatability maintained. - The full use of the graphical display area in Prj is enabled by moving clipping from 'eye space' to 'screen space'. This fixes problems relating to drawing outside the display area. - Added ability in prj to copy obstructions between zones. - Revised descriptors for flow component types as used in flow network reporting. - Refinement of markdown reporting of model contents and Res-generated tables. - New materials and constructions added to respective databases. - Added user option to set the assignment of inside and outside surface heat transfer coefficients (also available as a simulation options in bps). 2. 3D model manipulation: - Extended E2r to work with ESP-r generated Wavefront object files. - Added option during export to Wavefront object files to specify if a polygon represents the inside, centre or outside face when considering the overall thickness of a construction. 3. Miscellaneous: - Fixed bug in the topology checker that corrupted surface boundary information. - qrun facility removed because it duplicated facilities found elsewhere. - Added new topics to the model contents report. - Refined Res monthly reports. - Updated data structure and interface to thermal bridge facility. - Continuing refinement of exemplar models and addition of thermal bridges to some models. - Various trivial bug fixes. V13.3.16 of 1 June 2023 1. New features: - Removed application of shading factor to ground reflected component of incident solar radiation. - Two new plant component models added: CMP144 an empirical cooling coil model and CMP145 a moist air flow source. A model demonstrating component use added as models/training/empirical_cooling_coil. - Updated temporal definition file facility to enable imposition of full year data at small timesteps. - Added .cfg file tag to set default surface heat transfer coefficient calculation method (previously users had to change a simulation toggle at runtime). - Activated case of CEN heat transfer coefficients internally but with default methods used at outside face. 2. User interface: - Further refinement of help messages. - Revised session log files to use the model name and write to the tmp folder. This allows all ESP-r modules to write to the same log file. The facility is activated via a tag in the .esprc file: "*session,OFF" or "*session,ON". - Removed the 'tstamp' task tracking facility that automatically placed a readme.txt file in all new model folders. - Corrected bug when reading user-defined sky/ground/building viewfactors in a .cfg file written to the latest file format. - Added feedback to selections of polygons representing inside, centre line or outside face of 3D extrusions when exporting Wavefront files. - Fixed bug in Modish that prevented it running. - Extended facility for user-defined ground temperature profiles by adding an associated depth, documentation and the option to extract data from a weather file. Updated training models as necessary. 3. Miscellaneous: - Various minor bug fixes and code tidies. - Refinements to training models. - Included knowlegde of M1 Apple computers in the Install script. - Replaced routines easkabc, easkabcd and easkatog with easkmbox to suit newer compilers. - Silenced the need for user confirmation of the model connections file name where unnecessary. This may impact scripts driving prj. - Corrected a boundary conditions problem with plant-only models. - Results file names associated with simulation parameter sets now have a ../tmp prepended. Where a results file name commences with ./ then it remains 'in-place' to assist with scripted operation of ESP-r. - Added a python3 script to create a runnable ESP-r model for use in testing. - Fixed bug that included CFD results attributes in simulation parameter set when there are no CFD domains defined. - Adapted low level logic to support use of ESP-r on M1 based OSX computers. - Added binary shading files to BESTEST models to allow 'standards' tests to be run. - Shading files added to the BESTEST model folders to enable validation runs via prj without users having to manually compute shading. - Updated create_test_model.py script to allow minimal intervention when running. - Fixed bugs in MZBCTL, BCL00, BCL05 that impacted master slave controls. - Fixed bug in BCL07 that prevented cooling from being triggered. - Corrected parameter in call to mzrcpl in BCL13. - Converted window obstructions from transparent to opaque in 'detached_2z_system' model. V13.3.17 of 6 March 2024 1. Bug fixes: - Fix to plant graph plotting and timestep listing. - Removal of bug preventing reading of a .cfg file where the model description entry has less than 2 words. (Unfortunately, the default entry for a new model was a blank string!) - Fixed problem where ground reflection and snow attributes were not correctly assigned depending on the placement of these data in the .cfg file. - Fixed bug causing predefined entities to be incorrectly reported. - Corrected problem with reporting of adjacent surface attributes. - Fixed problem when determining graph axis scale that occassionally caused ticks/data to be offset to the right. 2. Exemplar models: - Removed redundant models. - Reinstated cellular_pv exemplar model ('PV cells embedded in spandrel'). - Reactivated 'Apartment_2z_system' exemplar from deprecated. - Added new exemplar models for a communications hub, highrise flats, and a horticultural growing tunnel. - Updated cellular_shd and cellular_earth exemplars with variants exploring thermal bridges. - Updated life cycle analysis and acoustic exemplar models to reflect changes in corresponding program modules. - Renamed several exemplar models, e.g., 'cellular_CFC' to 'complex_fenestration'. - Added directives for automated testing of exemplar models, e.g., to initiate a short simulation and report the differences. 3. Self testing: - Introdued into the validation folder a suite of self-testing models. These are updated versions of the tester suite models with added PIF files to support invocation of self-testing by prj. This is a work-in-progress to replicate the tester script. It provides most of the tests and comparisons generated by tester.pl but requires fewer cfg files. - Introduced a self test facility by which prj initiates a comparison between two versions of ESP-r using models and assessments defined in a 'selftest_list' directives file. Data extraction is via res based on PIF files rather than scripts. Line-by-line ASCII file comparisons are handled by prj based on results and .summary files generated by bps. Currently, 36 of the tester.pl models have been implemented and the aim is to implement the full range in due course. An annotated version of the selftest_list directives file and an overview document is available in models/validation/selftest. The feature is not yet supported on Windows computers. 4. Shading: - Install script altered to disable shading file conversion by default as this can be done at the point of model use. - Logic added in prj and bps to use a dedicated tool to translate ASCII shading files to binary if the latter is not found and the former is available. - Added shading files to validation and BESTEST models. 5. Interface: - Introduced colour option to the click-on-bitmap facility to make the tracing of points easier to see. - Refined facility to export Wavefront files and implemented additional feedback to assist user choices. - Tidied up the x-sectional temperatures display and enabled the animation lines to be drawn in double or triple width for clarity. - Integrated performance view definition refined in relation to the weather scaling of representative seasonal assessments. - Acoustics and ecobalance modules updated, their BCF files documented, and exemplar models refurbished. - Graphic network module tested and a startup problem fixed. Further refinement is a work in progress. - Unstructured gridding module tested and some principal functionality restored. Further refinement is a work in progress. - Removed redundant zone tmc files. - Added flow network display options in res and introduced more appropriate labelling for plant component outputs. - Refined the PIF directives to extend the scope of res reports. Res can now recreate the same reports as would be generated via the external 'extract' script used by tester.pl (note surface energy balances are not supported at this time). This supports automation tasks without the need to use scripts. 6. Miscellaneous: - Inappropriate combinations of control sensors and actuators now trapped. - Extended the data structure for thermal bridges to enable editing of which polygon edges are associated with each thermal bridge type. - Tidy up of the zone operations file documentation. - Added user selections for how mass flow network labels are displayed in wireframe views. - Prj now detects when an existing model does not have a 'tmp' and 'msc' folder and offers to create them and prepend the path to associated files. - Many code updates to maintain compatibility with newer compilers. - Extended the data structure and updated the PIF file format and documentation. It is now possible to use PIF for almost all res reporting types except for surface energy balances. - Help messages changed throughout Prj. - Documented the source code relating to the data structures associated with construction moisture flow, and multi-dimensional gridding (including the ground). 7. Modish: - Updated to accommodate the different possible obstructions data formats in a zone geometry file. - Removed the ground reflection option to retain compatability with a related change in bps.