Questions/comments following the presentation + reactions: 1. What are your comments to the simulation tool comparison made by Annex 21, where ESP-r was one of the programs out of the confidence band. (Schuler) 3 points to be made. Firstly, the IEA work - both empirical and BESTTEST - was based on ESP-r version 6.18a (released May 1989) which had been superseded by several new releases by the time of the IEA study. ESRU has no idea why the latest version was not used in the IEA work. Secondly, we believe that some technical aspects of the IEA study are open to question - e.g. why the ESP-r simulations were based on time independent thermophysical parameters when it is known that this can be an important parameter in test cells or why the system was operated with a convective regime which was known to be significantly lower that those specified to other models. It is possible to conclude that some of the programs that performed well did so because they were fortuitously configured, while some of the more sophisticated programs behaved less well because they were badly configured. This raises the question on whether the IEA work intended to establish the effect of the types of assumptions typical program uses might make or, alternatively the intention was to test the predictive robustness of the programs when expertly configured. Thirdly, what the modelling community and the profession at large need is a constructive approach to program testing and refinement, not an approach which can undermine many years of R&D in a short period of time (as may yet happen in the UK). 2. I believe the IEA21C runs using ESP-r were made by a third party so perhaps that is a reason for some problems with the predictions. This raises the question of the suitability of the present interface for third party use. Surely validation must encompass both user and software issues. (Holmes) We agree that "user and software issues" are interlinked but cannot see the point in keeping them together in a scientific approach to program proving. What is needed is a methodology to test programs in terms of their predictive accuracy (as developed within the PASSYS project) and a means to introduce quality assurance and modelling know-how at the interface. Our view is that building simulation is a) a non-trivial task and b) a technology which is still in its infancy. The production of interfaces which are truly suitable for non-specialist use is still some way off and will only come about when technologies such as our own intelligent front end mature and the profession becomes more involved in the interface definition process (e.g. through organisations such as BEPAC and IBPSA). With respect to ESP-r's interface, we believe that with the release of our new project manager we now have a powerful interface of a type which will grow in popularity as more PCs become multi-tasking. 3. Are the CFD results fed back to the program (and used)? Are the convection coefficients modified, presuming they are still used? Analogously, are the pressures at the interface between the CFD domain and the "Macro" domain adjusted? Iteration between the CFD model and the building model will likely make the computational time requirement prohibitive. (Spittler) The implementation of CFD within ESP-r has been enabled at two levels of granularity in order to allow our researchers to explore the conflation issue. At the first level, the CFD domain is essentially decoupled with the building/ plant solver (with fully integrated network air flow) passing the internal surface temperatures to the CFD solver, which passes back the surface convection coefficients. At the second level, one or more air flow network nodes are replaced by the CFD domain and the conservations equations describing the entire problem solved simultaneously with full pressure adjustments taking place at each iteration. Papers describing the approaches are available from ESRU. We agree that the approach is computationally intensive but then ESP-r has always been a research environment and we have observed over the years how technology often acts to make the complex routine. When problematic convergence does occur within ESP-r, the current rule is to discarded the CFD domain and reinstated the previously removed network nodes so that the user is always given a best estimate at reasonable CPU expense. 4. I believe it is much too early to integrate CFD inside the whole system for a "global" simulation. Even for research, I would encourage people to deal with the items separately in order to understand better what they are doing. (Lebrun) Don't agree. As we see it most developments, explicitly or implicitly, are striving for integration - e.g. COMBINE, STEP, NMF, WINDOWS NT, etc. The real issue is to ensure that the different elements of the overall problem - heat transfer theories, plant components, numerical solvers, air movement, air quality, algorithm validation, user interface, etc. - do not become inappropriately mixed. This is a software development issue and one we are very aware of within the ESP-r project. 5. Do you have a view on why (or on what basis you could make a comparison) your "unified" approach is better than coupling or combining separate simulation methodologies. (Hanby) We believe that it is better to couple separate modelling systems and to this end are developing an Intelligent, Integrated Building Design System (IIBDS) for COMBINE. This allows any number of programs to interact and be sequenced in terms of a process model which defines the purpose of program use. The IIBDS is currently sequence programs such as AUTOCAD, RADIANCE, TSBI3, ESP-r and regulation compliance software from BRE. However, when it comes to the simulation of thermodynamic systems, integration at the theoretical level is essential and decoupling dangerous. Of course, there are many ways to achieve this integration of which the modular sequential approach of TRNSYS and the modular simultaneous approach of ESP-r are but two. 6. I think that many potential users would be happy to play with one component alone and see how it behaves (..... in steady-state conditions). Does ESP offer such possibility? (Lebrun) Yes, although there is a minimum problem resolution. The current version of ESP-r will process from one to many building zones, from one to many plant components, from one to many flow networks, from one to many control loops, from one to many CFD domains, from one to many climates, etc. It will also process any combination of these under dynamic or steady-state conditions.