B. Explore Merit User Interface

Exercise purpose:

To become familiar with the structure of the Merit user interface.



1.  Familiarisation with window frames.

The Merit user interface consists of three sub window frames as shown below.


The top-left window frame supports the definition of climate, demand profiles, renewable energy systems, auxiliary systems, fuel supply and matching analysis. 

Depending on your current focus, the top-right window frame allows you to specify the details of the particular demand or supply, or control the combination of demand/supply options for the matching analysis function of Merit. 

The top-right two window frames show what specific demand, supply and auxiliary system you have selected. Depending on the electricity or thermal type, they will show in different windows separately. To switch to a different energy form, you can click on the tabs at the bottom of this frame.       

The bottom frame displays the results of your current analysis, or, if you are selecting a profile, it will display a graph of the profile.

To change your focus, you can click on the tabs at the bottom of each of the frames.



2. Explore menus.

Within the upper-left frame you select items by right-clicking on the label. The figure below shows the result of a right-click on the Demands Selected item. The Load demand pop-up (in the upper-left frame) has caused a Demand Database Connection... window to appear in the upper-right frame.


Explore other sub-element areas in the same way.









Exercise result:

  Ability to change the current upper-left frame focus, right-click to select an item and observe how the upper-right frame adapts.


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